Blarney Street Stretch Yoga & Mindfulness Programme
Yoga is taught to children from Junior Infants to 6th class, with each class having a block of classes each year in primary school.

Yoga helps to:
• Develop body awareness
• Learn to use their bodies in a healthy way
• Manage stress through breathing, awareness, mindfulness and healthy movement
• Build concentration, strength and balance
• Increase their confidence and positive self-image
• Feel part of a healthy, non-competitive group
• Have an alternative to tuning out through constant attachment to electronic devices

Yoga & the Curriculum

Yoga develops self-confidence and positive self-esteem
Through yoga, children can develop an understanding of healthy living, an ability to implement healthy behaviour & a willingness to participate in activities that promote & sustain health
Myself and others
Yoga helps to create & maintain supportive relationships now & for the future
Myself and the wider world
Yoga helps to develop some skills necessary for participating fully in groups & society
Social & Personal Development
Yoga helps children to enjoy positive experiences with others in a movement context
Yoga helps to develop self-esteem and confidence through movement
Physical & Motor Development
Yoga helps children to enjoy positive experiences with others in a movement context
Yoga helps to develop self-esteem and confidence through movement
Yoga challenges children in a movement context
Yoga develops strength, endurance & flexibility
Yoga promotes agility, control, balance & coordination
Knowledge & Understanding
Yoga develops basic understanding of movement & in particular weight-bearing & effective body control
Creative & Aesthetic
Yoga uses the body as a medium of expression & develops aesthetic understanding through movement
Health-related fitness
Yoga promotes good posture
Yoga practice encourages children to appreciate the benefits of relaxation
Children will be strong psychologically & socially
Yoga sessions encourage children to work within a group in a clam & respectful atmosphere
Yoga teachers help to model & encourage exercise
Children will be as healthy & as fit as they can be
Yoga sessions, by their very nature, address bodily control and movement skills in ways that can enhance children’s physical development
elements of yoga may be used throughout the day to promote physical activity
Children will be creative
Yoga introduces children to relaxation strategies, for example asking children to concentrate on breathing & inviting them to listen to a piece of music
Children will have positive outlooks on learning & life
Regular yoga sessions can assist children to physically & mentally challenge themselves