Our Student Council has been in place for a number of years now and contributes to a more welcoming and inclusive school for all.
Their role;
Provide an opportunity for students to voice their opinions and offer suggestions in relation to many aspects of school life.
Offer pupils the opportunity to voice their opinions on proposed changes and thereby play a significant role in improving our school.
Communications across the school with school management, staff and pupils, along with home.
Encouraging pupils and staff to organise events across the school, and represent the school in a positive manner.

The Election Process
Each year, the students from Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth class are invited to nominate themselves for a role in the Student Council. Prior to election, the students provide reasons for selection and are allowed to canvas and debate. An election is then held in each class, where two members are selected from Third, Fourth and Fifth class and four members are selected from Sixth class. Student council members are required to be active participants in the school community, attend meetings regularly, engage in activities and act as a role model for other pupils.
How it works...​
The Student Council meet once a month, with meetings facilitated by Mr Buckley. Prior to these meetings, members collect ideas and suggestions from the suggestion boxes placed in each class at the beginning of the year. The Council may then bring forward any suggestions or ideas agreed upon to management in the school.
The Student Council plays an important role in the organisation of:
School celebrations - International Day, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Friendship and Wellbeing week.
School fundraising - Cork Penny Dinners, cake sales.
Special occasions - Schools of Sanctuary visit and ceremony.
School representation/leadership - EREBB Congress, Zoom meetings with ERST schools, public speaking at UCC.
We hope that through our Student Council at Blarney Street that students’ voices and opinions will be heard. The pupils develop a variety of skills through involvement including speaking and listening, problem solving, brainstorming and decision making.